Eschatos Bride Choir – Zuukukanga Ku Makya Nnyo (Album)


Zuukukanga Ku Makya Nnyo - Album by Eschatos Bride Choir - Apple MusicOpus Music Africa presents in latest Ugandan gospel song titled “Zuukukanga Ku Makya Nnyo” (Album) free from download.

Stream and download all old and new album by Eschatos Bride Choir – Zuukukanga Ku Makya Nnyo (Album) in audio format below:

TRACK 1: Zuukukanga Ku Makya Nnyo | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 2: Yesu Leero Ayita | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 3: Yesu Alifuga Wonna | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 4: Ka Ntende Leero Yesu | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 5: Lwananage Mu Lutalolwo | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 6: Yesu Nnywesa Nange | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 7: Mujje Mwebzae Mukama | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 8: Ggwe Ekibuga Kya Katonda | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 9: Gwe Mukulu Wekka | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 10: Eyo Mu Kitiibwa | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 11: Aleluuya Eri Yesu | DOWNLOAD MP3

TRACK 12: Ffenna Tusaba Okutuuka | DOWNLOAD MP3


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